

Guten is a tool to browse, retrieve, read and manage electronic books published by Project Gutenberg. Guten is Free software, distributed under the BSD licence.

window thumb Guten marks up and displays books. Bookmarks can be inserted in to the text, and the current position is automatically saved and restored.

window thumb Guten's book catalogue provides a simple interface to browse and access the entire Project Gutenberg library. Books that have already been retrieved from other sources can also be imported in to the catalogue.


Guten is written and tested on Linux and Windows XP. It should also run on Mac OSX, but is currently untested


Windows users should download and run the self-extracting installer. It contains almost everything needed to run guten. Windows users will still need to download and install the GTK+ library.

The source package can still be used, providing all of the below dependencies are met.

Other platforms

Guten requires the following packages:


Guten releases can be downloaded from the Sourceforge project page.

The latest version of the source code is kept in an arch repository. To retrieve a copy using tla:

tla register-archive
tla get

Using guten

Run guten. Hit the catalogue button to open the catalogue, then the Refresh button to update the database of available books from Project Gutenberg.


Guten was written by Peter Hardy. Questions, suggestions, patches welcome.

Hosted by sourceforge